Sunday, August 06, 2006


Hello, anyone out there?

Well, trusting that there is, my aim for this blog will be to post some information that is hopefully worthy of reading by someone - somewhere - sometime.

My first post is about blogging and etiquette, or as I like to call it, Blogetiket! This is something I've thought about quite a bit before starting to blog. There are some interesting posts about blogging etiquette, viz. Etiquette-for-the-Blogging-Nation and Blog Etiquette Introduction. These articles provide a great introduction to proper blog etiquette. With that being said, my five main blogetiket points are:
  1. Don't steal or plagarize, you will only be caught out and it will harm your blogging reputation. There'll be no coming back from that.
  2. When mentioning another blogger's post, make sure to place a link to their blog - they earned the right.
  3. By all means comment on someone's post, have people comment on yours - bloggers want the feedback. If they didn't, they wouldn't have comments available on their posts. Criticize too if you feel it justified, but keep it constructive. That way your comments will have a positive effect and a meaningful dialog can ensue.
  4. There's nothing you can't blog about - to me one of the best things about the web is the freedom from censorship. However, use it wisely, make your point count.
  5. Be honest - be yourself, that's why blogging is around. It's a medium to share your thoughts, knowledge and opinion.
What it comes down to is - treat other bloggers like you want to be treated - be polite and courteous; unless of course, you don't want to be treated that way.

Until next time,