Tuesday, October 10, 2006

K2.Net Service Pack 4 Release

SourceCode released service pack 4 for their K2.Net 2003 workflow product around October 10th 2006. I spent some time looking for the list of enhancements and found them contained in the Bill of Materials (BOM) PDF file downloaded with the service pack. The following enhancements were made:

K2.net Server
  1. An extensive Logging Framework that records and stores every K2.net Server event has been added. The log is stored in the [Drive]\Program Files\K2.net 2003\Bin directory. Log settings are kept in the Logger.config configuration file.
  2. The Exception Messaging fomat has been altered to include the error number. Be aware that this can affect existing applications when installing the new service pack.
  3. Server Performance Monitoring has been added to assist system administrators manage server infrastructure and to detect bottle necks. The following counters were added:
    1. K2.net Processes
    2. K2.net Worklist Items
    3. K2.net Worklists
    4. Process Memory Usage
    5. Process Modules Loaded
    6. Process Thread Counts
    7. TCP Information
  4. Process migration tools allowing for the migration of processes accross servers.
K2.net Studio
  1. Various bug fixes to the Code Editor and improvements including intellisense upgrades.
  2. Code access to write to the Logging Framework log file mentioned above, e.g. K2.ProcessInstance.Logger.LogDebugMessage("Event Name", "Message");
.Net Framework 2.0 Support
  1. An enhancement to the support provided by Service Pack 3. There are some Knowledge Base articles available to assist in setting up a .Net Framework 2.0 project:
    1. KB000152 - .NET Framework 2.0 design considerations and expected behavior
    2. KB000154 - Configuration for K2.net 2003 to run on a specific version of the .NET Framework
  2. Support for Visual Studio 2005.
K2.net 2003 Tasklist WebPart
  1. Enhancements regarding the reference to the K2.net 2003 Server from Microsoft Share Point:
    1. Multiple K2.net 2003 Servers can be referenced - enter the server names with semi-colon delimeters.
    2. When referencing the server include the server name and port (default of 5252 will be used if a port has not been entered).
E.g. k2server1:1234;k2server2:4567;k2server3:5252

Look out for my next K2 post on using the Logging Framework.


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